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კალათა ჯგუფი

Kalata Group is a company that offers professional tailored services and digital solutions within the entire agricultural ecosystem. 

This group was founded based on several successful projects: Georgian Wine Challenge, Invino, Diogenes, and Croproads. These parts make Kalata an essential toolkit for farmers, agricultural partners, and consumers to achieve their diverse goals, from efficient cultivation of products to making informed choices while shopping.

Mission and vision

Imagine a world brimming with agricultural bounty, yet plagued by uncertainty about the origins and integrity of our food and drinks. Enter Kalata - our mission, simple yet captivating. We're here to make healthy, natural, and affordable products accessible to all. How? Through an ecosystem that empowers farmers to produce efficiently, even with organic methods, while keeping costs down via smart digital solutions. We don't stop at production. We ensure these products reach you through tailored channels, creating a pleasant and informed buying experience. The result? A cycle of satisfaction and trust for our customers, and a thriving partnership with our agricultural allies.


Our primary objective is to develop an outstanding, inclusive digital platform. This platform aims to empower farmers, enabling them to produce natural products with lower costs and efforts. Simultaneously, it connects these farmers with informed customers who can make choices based on valuable information provided by our platform. We're ambitious but always keep our humanity in focus, valuing humility and common sense.

We deeply respect traditions, especially in winemaking, architecture, and relationships. Everyone's worth is acknowledged, and we're committed to preserving our cultural heritage.

We firmly believe in technological progress, seeing its potential to improve human life. We think artificial intelligence can coexist with humanity, enriching our cultural and traditional fabric.

We're strongly committed to being eco-friendly, refusing to compromise on this. We also promote environmental awareness, recognizing the impact of our actions.

Improving the lives of our local communities is a priority. We involve them in our production chain, aiming to be a catalyst for their prosperity.

Our employees' well-being is crucial. We provide fair wages, safe working conditions, and a positive work environment, recognizing their contribution to our shared vision.

We judge individuals based on their actions and reasoning, rejecting discrimination in any form. Our stance is principled, not driven by financial gain.

Contributing to the region's development, we support social and infrastructural projects, including our educational initiatives.

We have a deep appreciation for art, actively involving artistic minds in our company. We believe in the transformative power of art on our collective existence.

Let's meet

ჩვენი გუნდი

Kaha Baindurashvili

/Startegy Director, co-founder/

is a seasoned Georgian entrepreneur. Besides founding KALATA Group, he also chairs RC Kakheti, a producer of Georgian wines, and is involved in various agricultural projects.

LinkedIn profile.

Maksim Karpukhin

/Managing Director, co-founder/

has broad international expertise in successfully implementing digital transformation and business strategies for companies in various industries, including manufacturing, agriculture and food & beverage.

LinkedIn profile.